
Notable Statistics



What is Scholarly Impact?

Top Impact

Artificial Intelligence

BioInformatics & Computing

High Perf. Computing



Operating Systems

Programming & Language Design

Software Engineering


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CiteScholar is an international volunteer organization focused on objective and quantitative measurement of scholarly impact.

The original motivation behind CiteScholar is that scientific indicators are based only on journals: e.g. ISI Web of Knowledge/Science. However, in many fields, conferences are equally important publication venues. Therefore, our intention is to measure the scholarly impact of conferences worldwide using Google Scholar.

We cover over 5,000 conferences and journals and measure the scholarly impact for the year 2010.

Contact point: Jun Zhang, jzhang@citescholar.org

Scientific Advisory Board

CiteScholar believes in a clear line of communication with the scientific community and is given advice & guidance by the volunteer cooperation of the Scientific Advisory Board. This board consists of well known members from the scientific community who are one of the following:

- ACM SIG Chair or IEEE equivalent
- ACM Steering Committee Chair or equivalent
- ACM Fellow or equivalent

The current members are:

- Walid G. Aref, Perdue University, ACM SIGSPATIAL Chair (in 2011)
- Ruby B. Lee, Princeton University, ACM Fellow
- John C.S. Lui, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, ACM SIGMETRICS Chair (in 2011)
- Brad Mehlenbacher, NCSU, ACM SIGDOC Chair (in 2011)
- Sung Shin, SDSU, ACM SIGAPP Chair (in 2011)